Roster, Intermediate, 2024 (London Lightning Fastball)
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This Team is part of the 2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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More Info
Chris Askew
Chris Askew
What is your coaching philosophy?
I believe that teaching through repetitive, fun and challenging drills will increase skills but also make a competitive environment between team members. This provides the learning environment for all players on the team. Holding players accountable through attendance, attitude, effort, positive and respectful communication to coaches, parents and teammates will help players become strong leaders on and off the field. Learning through mistakes is very important and players need to know that mistakes are a part of the game and if you make a mistake “Flush It”, move on. Wear your jersey with pride!
What personality traits you are looking for when picking a player for your team?
I am looking for someone who is committed, willing to work hard every practice through learning and listening. Someone that will give full effort every pitch, every play. I also look for positive attitude regardless if they are on the bench or on the field.
Do you believe that having a “family” like atmosphere within your team, creates an environment that leads to winning and helps with losing?
Absolutely believe and teach this to all players and parents. We are all together teaching, laughing, learning, supporting one another and most importantly having fun building memories that will last a lifetime. Win or lose, we are all in it together, supporting each other and making sure we remain positive.
What is your favorite movie?
Rudy. Hard work always pays off, no matter the role you play on a team and overcoming obstacles in front of you.
Who has inspired you to be the coach you are today?
I had a coach who always worked on fundamentals, never let us forget the easy stuff. If we did slip or started to get sloppy, he would always take us back to the previous drill and make sure we completed the proper mechanics or executed the plays properly.
If we were not playing to our full potential he would always take us aside and explain the situation to us. I believe in transparency and this is what we all received from this coach if we liked it or not. I always make sure I give this feedback to all players I coach, honest direct feedback. The players or parents may not agree with it, but I will back it up with fact and opportunity to work for improvement or to prove me wrong. This is the way I was taught and this is the way I teach and hold players accountable. You have to earn your time, spot and place on the team, once you have it you need to keep working to keep/earn playing time.