Schedule & Results, Intermediate, 2018 (London Lightning Fastball)

This Team is part of the 2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
Full ScheduleGame Details
  • Basic Info
    PWSA Provincials
    7:00 PM
    @ Hamilton
    Duncan McLellan Diamond 2
    More Venue Details
  • Notes
    Late on Saturday in the heat and knowing they were already eliminated Hamilton played like an eliminated team. On the Lightning side of the ball with some encouragement from the coaching staff to make a renewed commitment to base running their were lots of opportunities to work on our base running in this 3 inning 13-0 mercy victory. Again from memory, Crash started the game with a triple, Kenzie had a home run and virtually everyone in the line up had at least 1 hit this game. 
    Pitching wise Tana gave up a few hits, a couple walks, had a few strikeouts but again didn't surrender any runs. 
    The defence played great and MADE NO ERRORS.